Q1: How are you guys?
Shaun; Good, thanks.
Zac; Chipper
James: Good.
Mike; Well, thank you.
Q2: In a rating out of 10, how happy are you with your new EP?
Shaun; I’d say about 8.
Probably a 7 or 8. I think I’m still just really happy to have a finished
physical product. Something to be fairly proud of.
James; 8
Mike; 9
Q3; Which song of the EP is your favourite?
I think Ashes in the End is my favorite recording, but Broken is probably my
favorite to play live.
Either Ashes in the End or Your Old Ghost. It’s been interesting seeing how
both those songs have developed and changed from when we first played
James; Either Ashes In The End or Apparent Horizon.
Mike; Tie between Ashes and Apparent Horizon.
Q4: If you had the opportunity to change the EP in any way,
would you?
I say yes, but the stuff I would change is just part of the learning curve, and
something that I will take with me the next time we hit the studio.
I don’t think so. Even though most of us were ‘studio virgins’ before this EP
and we all learnt a lot through recording, I like the idea of having this EP as
a historical record of where we were and how we were feeling at the time.
James; Yeah, why not, would be fun.
Mike; The EP
was a statement of time and place (and all other recordings for that matter), so no, I wouldn't change it
if you paid me.
Q5; What alterations would you make and why?
Shaun; I’d leave it be.
James; I feel like some of the songs may benefit from a little more fine tuning/shortening. I think we’re still developing as a band and maturing as musicians, so naturally you feel some parts could have been done better if we had wrote them today as opposed to a year ago. But at the time we were all happy, which was cool.
James; I feel like some of the songs may benefit from a little more fine tuning/shortening. I think we’re still developing as a band and maturing as musicians, so naturally you feel some parts could have been done better if we had wrote them today as opposed to a year ago. But at the time we were all happy, which was cool.
Mike; Zero bebs
Q6: Are you a career musician or a hobbyist?
Shaun; Hopeful hobbyist.
Hobbyist I guess.
James; I consider myself a career musician as I have now been playing drums for 32 years.
James; I consider myself a career musician as I have now been playing drums for 32 years.
Mike; Hobbyist looking for love
If for some reason you couldn't play music for a living, what would your
fallback be?
Shaun; N/A
Zac; N/A
James; Probably body building/human muscle
Q8: Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Shaun; Probably still studying, putting off a real people job.
Zac; Hopefully not dead.
James; Being bored in some office.
Mike; Cruising the streets of San Andreas.
Will we ever hear any music from you on RTRFM, or anywhere else in the near
Shaun; We have had some RTR play, I hope that continues.
Zac; Fingers crossed
James; Hopefully, but your more likely to hear us on
Nova 93.7.
Mike; I would say so, yes.
Any words of wisdom? (Not necessarily about the music industry, but absolutely
anything. e.g - "Drunkenness is cowardice; sobriety is loneliness" -
Julian Casablancas)
Always do sober what you said you would do drunk, that will teach you to keep
your mouth shut.
James; Nope
Mike; Mikez Wordz of Wizdom: YOGTHSO (You Only Go Through High School Once so stay in school kids, that's the ultimate swag)
Interview undertaken by: Samuel Smith
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